Friday, June 1, 2018

Student Film: Special Education and the Constitution

by Marisa Luft

The assignment was for one of my classes, which was called Government and You. In the class we began by studying the constitution and learning how to create a film on iMovie. We then prepared and submitted a film for a CSPAN Student-Cam competition. The task was to create a 5-7 minute-long documentary film about a provision of the U.S. Constitution and explain why it's important to us. My group chose to do special education, since I know so much about that topic from my daily life because of my sister, Abby. I thought it would be really important to create this film to inform the public about the topic of special education and its current state in America.

Marisa lives in Brooklyn with her parents, brother, and sister, Abby. Marisa is a talented trombone player and volunteers at Extreme Kids & Crew where her family have been members since 2011.